About Us

NABU is a global think tank dedicated to the empowerment of communities through the sharing of knowledge, technology, and resources that are necessary to improve living conditions, understand global issues, and attain sustainable development. NABU brings together knowledge experts and expertise to promote the United Nations goals. NABU is a 100% volunteer-driven NGO, which primarily focuses on knowledge transfer.

NABU was founded on January 5, 2004. Its members have appeared as speakers and participants in many meetings of the United Nations, and on April 10, 2015 NABU gained Special Consultative Status with the UN ECOSOC. NABU is a non-profit organization pursuant to Section 501(c)3 of the United States Internal Revenue Code.

  • The role of information and communications technologies for sustainable development.
  • The use of new technologies and social networks to educate communities on social and environmental issues, such as health care and human rights.
  • The collaboration between governments and social organizations in order to achieve sustainability goals.

NABU focuses on helping organizations and communities reach the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals. Our specific topic expertise include:

What We Do

NABU works by enabling communities through ICT, education and knowledge transfer. It provides expert advice and consultation to organizations engaging in conferences and projects designed to help communities reach the United Nations Millennium Development Goals.

When working with organizations interested in sustainability, NABU acts as a conference partner and sponsor, provides speakers for panels, leads workshops and assists in developing conference strategies, programs, and contents.

NABU also provides consultative services, in which it consults other organizations on how they can meet the UN Millennium Development Goals. NABU provides them with advices in reaching specific project goals and give them insights on sustainability trends and on how information technology affects sustainable development.